
Friday, April 10, 2009

` "Stupid " - Tat mine message tone x_X !
`Its around 5am in the morning !
`Mine hp ring ._. !
`And its mesage frm Amy , wao mine alive alaram tehhee !! thx !!
`Last nite we all planing to go Canada hill for seeing sun rise !!
`ROlf ! dun noe who come n plan tis de worh xD

`Everyone totally knot wake up gehs ! hahah
`After pick Amy , Boy n Khai Soon .. dhen we jiu start go there lurh !
`When we arive there the sky still so dark tim x_x
`Cannot see anythingsa !!
`But .. Shuang XD

`After ten minit !
`Song ling them arive jor !!
`Tat time .. wohooo !! cold sii !!
`They keep say :" iziit look like we gather at genting ? " lolx ! stupiak fren ^^

`One question sudenly come out frm boy boy :"太阳,你在哪里"
`Lolz .. when we at there .. we totally dun noe where to see the sun x_x~!!
`Nearly all kanada hill walk by us haha !!
`Last we decided to change our location !! ^^

`Phiewit ! reli damn nice n enjoy laa !!
`Pitty Nana n Woxien knot come xD
`Dhen we going open air having breakfast !!
`Nana n Shi Chang come meet us after tat !!
`Wohoo , so many ppl loooking at us .. we bit seen like .. Star xD
`After send them back sch they go where me jiu dun noe lerr !!
`Coz me oledi wanna go home sleep jor !!
`Coz it reli tired ^^

`Thx uii all bring me spend the time like tis together !! Teheee !!
`The photo i will be post late bit !
`Coz me oledi so tired n tml hav to work gain T.T
`So sad i knot join boy them go church haihx ~
`Stupiak work .. i hate uii XD

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