
Saturday, July 24, 2010

回来后,有该烦的东西! 回去后,又有另外烦的东西!难道,简单的生活……就这么的难?在外和在家,最后还是家里最好!天塌下来,也可以当被改!因为背后有爱我们的父母撑腰!在外,酸甜苦辣!没有一个不与你见面!要打败他们,还是只能靠自己了……也许诉苦会让自己好一些,可是自己还是必须面对!希望这酸甜苦辣的见面,能够化成以后的享受!

`Mine dear blog ,
`Im back ! I have leave the blog when im having mine holiday!
`This trip back miri ,
`I feel that nothing special with it !
`But mostly staying at home and together with family !
`Well , lastly mine holiday end and i have back to the busy city !
`How the new sem i having a new myself =)
`Pray for me !